“Transporting Project 819 to the North Sea’s open waters requires centimetre precision, flexibility and experience, not to mention teamwork and a very steady hand. This requires the Feadship crew’s complete concentration, and they are not at the end of the route yet…”

With these words Feadship has recently published some truly incredible images regarding the transport of its latest harness from the shipyard’s facility in Kaag to the North Sea.

The new 71.50-metre Project 819 left the yard in January for final outfitting in advance of her sea trials.

The yacht, also known as Project Galina, was seen coming out from the shed for the first technicla launch in Spetember 2019. The London-based design teams at Harrison Eidsgaard is the design studio responsible both for the exterior and interior design of this sleek superyacht. The yacht (M/Y Vanish), which is expected to be officially launched soon at the presence of her happy owner, is scheduled for delivery this year.

Project 819 is only one of the 5 yachts launched in 2020. Among these, there are the 99.95m Moonrise (the largest superyacht by waterline length built in the Netherlands to date, delivered last summer), 72.8m Podium (delivered), 49.65m Totally Nuts, 77m Boardwalk (2021 delivery) and 88m Project 816 (2021 delivery) .