There are 212,615 ultra high net worth (UHNW) individuals globally, holding a combined wealth of US$30 trillion in net assets. The wealthiest 50 people in the world control a staggering portion of the world economy: $1.46 trillion — more than the annual GDP of Australia, Spain, or Mexico. That’s according to new data provided by Wealth-X, which conducts research on the super-wealthy. Its latest ranking of the world’s billionaires found that 29 of the top 50 hail from the US and nearly a quarter made their fortunes in tech. To crack this list, you’d need to have a net worth of at least $14.3 billion. And for the most part these people weren’t born with a silver spoon. More than two-thirds are completely self-made, having built some of the world’s most powerful companies, including Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, Google, Nike, and Oracle. [CONTINUE TO READ ON ISSUU]