The Ambassador of Italy to China, Mr. Alberto Bradanini, about the Hainan Rendez-Vous 2015

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ver since the news that “there will be an Italy Pavilion in 2015 Hainan Rendez-Vous” came out in September at Monaco Yacht Show, this topic has been popular among local and international media. People are curious about the corporation between the Italian government and 2015 Hainan Rendez-Vous and look forward to seeing the fabulous pavilion.

Recently, World Capital has interviewed Mr. Alberto Bradanini, the Ambassador of Italy to China, who revealed the reasons and expectations of this corporation.

ambassadorHighlight 1: The market and potential of Italian brands and lifestyle are growing with their popularity in China.

When asked about the Italian brands and lifestyle in China, Mr. Alberto Bradanini said that Italian brands are always leading the top fashion all over the world and Chinese customers have realized the popularity and supriority of products made in Italy. It is estimated that in the near future, creative Italian products will have a significate growth in China.

Highlight 2: Hainan is like a bridge connecting the economical corporation between Italy and China, creating more diversity and convenience.

Mr. Alberto Bradanini mentioned in the interview that Hainan is playing an important role in the development of tourism in China and it has similar weather as in Italy since both have tropic/temprate weather on islands. Various Italian lifestyle is helpful in boosting tourism in Hainan and the exemption license in Hainan will help promote Italian products and relating services.

Highlight 3: Italy Pavilion in 2015 Hainan Rendez-Vous will build up a platform to promote high quality Italian products in China.

When talking about the significance of joining in 2015 Hainan Rendez-Vous, Mr. Alberto Bradanini stated that on one hand, Hainan Rendez-Vous not only provides an advantageouse platform for Hainan but also offers a great platform to promote the marine industry and lifestyle in China. On the other hand, the Italy Pavilion will let Chinese cutomers have a close look at the unique and exquisite Italian products, as well as Italian traditions, culture and style.

In addition, Mr. Alberto Bradanini also emphasized that 2015 Hainan Rendez-Vous will actually has an effect on helping Italian brands gain support from China government, which will lead to the possibilities of building up distribution network in China.

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