Sunseeker reorganizes the Executive Team

Sunseeker International has announced important changes to its Executive Management Team. Jason Stewart (Director of Commercial Finance) and Dean Lawler (Director of Controlling and FPA) will now take positions on the Executive Committee.

Jason has worked at Sunseeker for 10 years in senior roles predominantly within the Finance function but also covering areas such as Customer Services Director and Director of IT. Dean Lawler has worked with Sunseeker for five years, originally as head of Commercial Finance before taking the role as Director of Controlling and FPA. Prior to joining Sunseeker, Dean had over 12 years’ experience working in senior Finance roles.

Mike Wheeler who has been a non-executive director since 2015 will have oversight of the finance function. Mike is a former senior partner at KPMG.

Timon Orlob will take over as COO being a natural move from his current Operations Director role. Timon has worked with Sunseeker for four years and has a history of senior roles within production environments.

Finally, Ewen Foster currently Director of Design and Naval Architecture will take the position of CTO after working at Sunseeker for over 25 years.

Andrea Frabetti continues as CEO and will lead the Executive team with his vast experience working within the marine industry for over 30 years.

The reorganised Executive Team is as follows:

  • Andrea Frabetti: CEO
  • Timon Orlob: COO
  • Adrian Powell: General Counsel and Company Secretary
  • Sean Robertson: Sales and Marketing Director
  • Sian Dodds: HR Director
  • Ewen Foster: CTO
  • Jason Stewart: Director of Commercial Finance
  • Dean Lawler: Director of Controlling and FPA
  • Francesco Frediani: Superyacht and Dealer Network Director

Mike McMillan (CFO) and Michael Straughan (COO) will be leaving Sunseeker, but will remain in the business to support the transition.