SICIS celebrates its 30th year of activity with a remarkable exhibition in Ravenna


[dropcap]S[/dropcap]ICIS, in occasion of its 30th anniversary, participates in the 5th edition of RavennaMosaico, from 6th October to 7th January 2018. An important exhibition will highlight the profound connection with its city, a historic landmark of mosaic. Ravenna’s oldest art tradition has inspired and nurtured the expansion of SICIS worldwide. SICIS, driving its vision with creativity and constant technologic innovation, has contributed to beautifully decorate remarkable public and private projects across the five continents.

From the origins, the company has always explored the art of mosaic with a wide range of applications, exploiting its natural flexibility.  SICIS has created a universal language of mosaic, a leitmotif that evolves throughout all its projects. The event is a wonderful journey through SICIS evolution, explaining the complexity of the “world of mosaic”: an itinerary where techniques, materials, creativity, artistic sensitivity and skills of mosaic masters enter a virtual simulation.

The installation will be hosted in the famous Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste, a monumental palace of the 15th century. The exhibition will be an engaging experience expressed with videos and pictures that will guide through the company’s evolution, until the rediscovery of the 18th century micro-mosaic applied to jewelry and re-interpreted by important stylists, gemologists and goldsmiths. An extensive phase of study and research that started 20 years ago, uniting different craftsmanships.

The immersive experience begins from the main staircase, right at the entrance, extending through the entire first floor. Projections will animated the wall with 360° real-life digital frescoes, alternating the main collections of portraits and icons realized by the great SICIS masters in the largest artistic mosaic atelier in the world.

A mix of images and videos will show the mastery of a nature-styled mosaic, proposing iconic patterns from the incredible archive that range from baroque renaissance floral arrangement to oriental, stylistic Japanese tradition.

A series of screens will create a path through SICIS history from its origins to now, narrating the production, development and innovation brought by an attentive research.

Rooms with magical mirrors will showcase a variety of materials: marble, glass, steel, fabrics, and production processes. Backlit tables will display the glass tiles in all shades and shapes. Zenithal projections will present mosaic masters.

An excursus will be dedicated to the ancient history of mosaic art, revealing the great accomplishments of SICIS, inspired by classical traditions. Special projections will reveal the extraordinary vision of the most innovative works of the Maison, influenced by modern art, pop-art, avant-garde art, as the collection: Comics, Pin-Up, Sculptures, reinterpreted by SICIS. Stainless steel mosaic, Metallismo collection takes part of this room.

And finally, the ‘micro-mosaic hall’, entirely dedicated to the precious jewelry of SICIS. This technique, flourishing in the 17th century, and almost disappeared in 18th century, returns, more alive than ever, by SICIS in the 21st century.

The company invested resources to study, retrieve and bring back this art to the glamour of the Grand Tour, when princes and princesses, kings and queens, czars and nobles adored micro-mosaic jewels. Incredible high manufactured jewelry will produce a real ‘wow’ effect which no one will be able to resist.

This journey aims to be a special way to embrace SICIS great and incredible reality. Its production, completely made in Italy, has transformed the mosaic into a communication tool that can express trends and boost new markets.