[dropcap]A[/dropcap]n unprecedented number of sales were made at this year’s Top Marques Monaco supercar show which was attended by a record-breaking 42,000 visitors.

The prestigious event – billed as the [highlight color=”yellow”]’ultimate luxury car show'[/highlight] by Bloomberg – was viewed by an estimated 25 million more in France alone after being televised by all the major TV networks including TF1, France 2, France 3, M6 and BTM TV.

Among the exhibitors – which included Mazzanti, Zenvo and Hamann as well as brands such as Tesla, Aston Martin and Lexus – approximately 80 per cent are understood to have secured deals during the four day show held at the Grimaldi Forum last week.

Confirmed purchases include a number of top of the range luxury vehicles, nine ‘super vans’ and more than ten motorbikes. The combined total value of sales made during Top Marques is expected to be in excess of €200 million.

Sales in the Watch Pavilion and Luxury Lane included several considerable pieces of jewellery as well as a significant number of watches. Two Franck Muller Tourbillion were sold on the very same afternoon.

It is impossible to give exact figures but at least eight out of ten exhibitors said they had made sales with even more adding they were leaving the show with a number of leads which they expected to convert into sales in the coming weeks.


Steven Saltzman, director of Top Marques Monaco, said:

Top Marques 2015 has topped all our expectations, and the expectations of our exhibitors. We would like to thank everyone who came to visit the show – and who helped to make it the most successful Top Marques to date. We would also like to thank all our sponsors including our title partner the Edmond de Rothschild group for their immeasurable support of Top Marques.

The 12th edition of the world’s only live supercar show, where potential clients were taken out for a record-breaking 1,300 test drives, drew to a close on Sunday evening.

Without doubt one of the highlights of the show was the AeroMobil 3.0, the world’s most advanced prototype of a flying car which transformed from a two-seater roadster to a plane every 20 minutes from inside the Espace Ravel.

The Slovakian invention which could be on the market in under two years was the subject of a media frenzy, being broadcast from the show floor by more than 30 TV crews from across the world including America, Canada, germany, Finland, Russia and Brazil.

Stefan Vadosc, spokesman for the company, said:

We were very happy with our participation at the Top Marques Monaco show and we are grateful for the support from the organizers and Monaco. We have gathered a lot of positive feedback for our invention from the diverse groups of visitors during the show. This feedback will help us shape the future development of AeroMobil which you might hopefully see in the streets of Monaco one day.

Another highlight was the Toroidion 1 MW, one of six world launches to be unveiled at the show by Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Chief designer Pasi Pennanen said:

We are overwhelmed by the response by the public to the Toroidion. Top Marques has been very interesting for us. We have met lots of people on the same level as us. We have also got some very important publicity by choosing to launch not just our product but also our company at Top Marques.

The 1MW concept car which is set to be the most powerful electric car ever made featured in a Bloomberg video which is currently the second most viewed feature this week.

Next year’s Top Marques Monaco will take place from April 14th to 17th 2016.

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