Nuvolari Lenard after 30 years in designing iconic yachts, the Venetian studio launch their own line of yachts

One of the most active yacht design firms in the world, after creating masterpiece design for both exteriors and interiors, launch their own range, the new nl line of yachts, from 47m to 65m+. Construction of the first models is already underway in turkey and in 2024 we will already see the first delivery.

rom reference name for one-off designs for superyacht shipyards to series boats, Nuvolari Lenard turned 30 years in 2022 and over the time since the founding of the studio in 1992, in addition to yachts, the team has developed a diverse portfolio including aircraft and residential interiors, with a work always characterized  by a profound sensibility for design in all its varied forms.

The Venetian studio draws on 30 years of yachting passion and industry experience to satisfy the needs of the most demanding and experienced owners, while at the same time ensuring its projects navigate the construction phase with maximum professionalism and minimum disruption.

It is this breadth of knowledge, combined with vibrant Italian style and the quality of pure bespoke, that Nuvolari Lenard is applying to a new NL line of yachts. These are not simply design templates for a shipyard to build, but rather part of an holistic process from exterior and interior design to delivery based on Nuvolari Lenard’s extensive experience in directing the quality, level of finish, project approach and satisfaction of expectations over many hundreds of successful builds. Indeed, the proof of the pudding is not only found in the long list of completed pedigree Nuvolari Lenard yachts, but also in the high number of repeat clients the studio retains.

The new line of Nuvolari Lenard yachts spans a planned range that include a 47-metre S1 model, a 52-metre NL 50 Plus model, and larger NL 60 Plus and NL 65 Plus models. “The NL range and the S1 model not only epitomise the freedom and luxury that a superyacht offers, but also capture the expertise in all stages of design and construction that the Nuvolari Lenard team has garnered over three decades at the forefront of the industry”, says Carlo Nuvolari, co-founder at Nuvolari Lenard. “The essence of these projects is in the details, from the best of Italian style to the finest finishing, and from the considered layout to the balance of form and function. The opportunity to offer clients all of this in a beautifully curated package is something that fills the entire studio team with excitement and pride”.

Construction of the first S1 is in an advanced stage at Mengi Yay in Turkey – a traditional family owned and run shipyard with close to 60 years of experience, whose 200-strong fleet includes a number of recently completed and highly regarded custom motor yachts up to 50 metres in length. The hull and superstructure of the first S1 have been completed and interior fit-out is ongoing, while work has already begun on the second hull.

Meanwhile, the first of the 52-metre NL 50 Plus models is under construction. Two larger models, the NL 60 Plus and NL 65 Plus, are both currently in the design phase, with more details to be released in the summer.

Oceanco Black Pearl – Credit Tom Van Oossanen

S1 Refined design

The steel-and-aluminium S1 has been conceived for experienced yacht owners who want a vessel capable of significant range without compromising on cruising speed. With naval architecture by Dutch studio Van Oossanen Naval Architects, the S1 draws on a powerful, stable and efficient hull shape to offer 4,000 nautical miles at 12 knots.

Atop this underwater body, Nuvolari Lenard has created a contemporary yet timeless profile that focuses on the practicalities of extended voyaging, from an inviting layout that includes a generous owner suite at bridge deck level to protected deck spaces that cater to all-season cruising in a variety of climates. At main deck level there is a private library-cum-saloon complete with balcony, while watersports and diving are catered to with a beach club and watersports room just forward of the large aft bathing platform – the S1 will also boast a 7.2-metre guest tender. With a well-disguised volume of 499 gross tons, owner and guests alike will be able to enjoy the luxury of space, while crew will benefit from practical and well-thought-out service areas and crew routes.

Nuvolari Lenard has also applied its design skills to creating an interior that is tailored to each owner, but which draws on ‘relaxed luxury’ – a core tenet of the S1 project and NL model range. The finest attention to detail and bespoke craftsmanship will feature strongly in every model completed. The first S1 will be delivered in 2024.

“I think we’re good at what we do because we’re passionate about what we do. We treat each new project with fresh eyes as if it were our first and never allow ourselves to become disillusioned or cynical.” says Carlo Nuvolari. “A crucial aspect of all our projects has been the fact that both of us grew up sailing. I’ve always found it bizarre that there are a lot of people in this industry, from designers to builders, who don’t go boating or have a relationship with the sea. That to me seems fundamental if you want to design or build yachts.”


Dan Lenard and Carlo Nuvolari, as well as studio partner Valentina Zannier, are active speakers at yachting events and firmly believe in nurturing young design talent. Few years ago the studio assisted in setting up a Masters course in Yacht Design at the Luav University of Architecture in Venice. “Dealing with young people who are still free of contract terms, delivery times and technical specifications is incredibly rewarding and reminds us that design must be a free activity linked to originality, imagination and innovation”, says Dan Lenard.

“Our interaction with these students is all about forgetting about business and getting back to the fundamentals.”

Apart from the University of Venice, Nuvolari Lenard also maintains links with the Politecnico di Milano, Coventry University and the Luiss University of Rome. In fact, Nuvolari accompanied a group of Luiss students to the 2022 Dubai International Boat Show in March.

This article is published in Superyacht Digest, Summer Issue 2023

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“Our Firm has always been very active involving young people and students in the design process”, explains Valentina Zannier, “both at university’s masters and internship. We believe young generations must have a deep understanding about how creativity and functionality meet in a yacht and how these two principles are essential”.

“Even though I have been converting Nuvolari Lenard’s way of working for almost 20 years by equipping it with the most up-to-date design software”, says the studio partner Simone Feltrin, “I still push the young designers who come to us firstly to express their ideas with pencil and paper and only later to elaborate the projects using software and computers, in order to stimulate their creativity, which is the characteristic that distinguishes us”.

Carlo Nuvolari is proud of his Venetian origins and Nuvolari Lenard works closely with the Venice Boat Show organisers to coordinate lectures, technical conferences and other initiatives, including the MUVE Yacht Projects together with the Foundation of Civic Museums of Venice that each year organises a design competition where Carlo Nuvolari is on the scientific committee and jury. Last year’s edition saw an exhibition of the best projects, including two racing sailboats built by the Politecnico di Torino and Uni Trieste. He also presented a public lecture entitled ‘Shipowners’ Sensitivity to the Environment’ as part of a conference organised by Assomarinas.

“After 30 years of activity it would be a shame to keep our accumulated experience in a drawer and not share it with a younger audience,” says Nuvolari.