The Italian shipyard Permare celebrates its 47th birthday with the construction of the new 120-feet flagship Amer 120. Destined to both private and charter use, the model, whose building was started over a year and a half ago, is scheduled for launch in 2021, while her international debut will take place at next year’s boat shows.
All the boating for Amer 120 is based on complex formulas and plays on mathematical symbology. 120 is the sum of four successive prime numbers that symbolize the 4 pods. The number 4 in numerology means balance, contact with one’s roots, stability and security. It is a triangular number, the sum of the natural numbers from 1 to 15 and the sum of the first 8 triangular numbers which makes it tetrahedral and symbolize for us the bow of the hull towards the sea of our new model.
4 is a multi-perfect number which expresses the synthesis of the synergic work of the Amer Yachts team and the pool of supplier companies, with more than 120 people involved in the construction. It is also an untouchable number, at least until the next record to beat. Currently Permare remanis unbeaten in terms of fuel economy with Amer 94 Twin with 3.1 lt. per nautical miles at 9 knots in economic cruise.