Exploring the Mediterranean on board SurfYachts

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Mediterranean is known for its cities, culture and azure clear seas, making it an exquisite sailing trip. With various ports such as the South of France, Italy, Spain and Malta, the Med makes a perfect place for a yacht charter. Surf Yachts assists in all of the yacht necessities.

Surf Yachts is the Med’s comprehensive, zero-commission yachting concierge service. The company provides an international 24/7 support and network for the yacht owners, captain and crew.

Based in the centre of the yachting capital, Surf Yachts is building a network throughout the Med, running on a core website surfyachts.com which caters for all of the international countries. It is also developing sub-sites, with a surfyachts.fr already in operation. Each country Surf Yachts operates in will have a sub-site, tailored for our users in that location.


The suppliers would be personally selected and qualified by Surf Yachts, for a high-quality and excellent customer-care service provider. The suppliers would also be from a broad spectrum of industries, ensuring that the high-quality standard required by this industry is maintained.

As it is [highlight color=”yellow”]zero-commission[/highlight], Surf Yachts is very open with their suppliers. One of their main ethos is to be an open-book with their suppliers and clients. They actively promote their suppliers along with giving the option for their clients to contact the suppliers directly or through Surf Yachts.

Surf Yachts has direct contact with prominent businesses, where they source the latest news, keeping their clients and suppliers up-to-date with the nautical world.

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