Editorial | Vanity Fair & The Show (November 2016)

[two_third][dropcap]A[/dropcap]ll that is lovely in himself he loves, and in his witless way he wants himself: he who approves is equally approved; he seeks, is sought, he burns and he is burnt. And how he kisses the deceitful fount. Abstract from Metamorphoses , the poem by the Roman poet Ovid, dedicated to the myth of Narcissus.

Though the luxury yachting shows are based on the mere exhibition of products, which are expression of individualism and self-satisfaction, it would be unfair to describe such vanity as prosaic love for useless and futile objects. However, it is true that it deals with events based on parties, caviar and champagne, spiced up with luxury cars, jewels and high-end watches. Real happenings for self-gratification and indulgence, all aspects concerning earthly pleasures. material delights of which vanity feeds itself.

A sector that several times in a year brings together those who love the “limited editions”, the “only upon request” and “customized products”, that mainly addresses the American richest men and Russian oil tycoons, that appreciates the participation of the star system and that is always in search of new jetsetters to seduce with alligator accessories, precious and rare materials, finest silks and gym equipment even decorated with gold leaf.

But it would not correct to judge by the appearance. That’s why I prefer to talk about “the other vanity”, in other words, a more sophisticated concept that looks below the surface. When the luxury product is the result of the most exquisite craftsmanship and engineering, research and innovation, taste and design, and it tends towards perfection, in this case you can forgive that intrinsic side of its character that wants it so proud and so vain at the center of attention.

Pamela Paci


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